It's Sunday night, tonight's snack is yellow watermelon... yes, you read that right, a yellow watermelon. We tried growing some a year or two ago and they didn't work out. We saw some halves for sale at the store and decided to give it a try. It tastes good, but when it is cut up and in a bowl, it messes with your brain. It looks like pineapple, but tastes like watermelon.
We had a nice weekend, we went to the house of one of Karen's coworkers last night and had a good time talking with people. This morning we went to church and then went to the "third Sunday market." It was kind of a cross between an antique, arts/crafts, farmers market and a flea market. There was a little something there for everyone, I saw a few traffic signs that would look good in a garage.
I had promised some more pictures of the town house... here is the front room, which has our dining room table, Karen's desk and our washer/dryer. The townhouse came with a washer/dryer so we decided to save some future moving effort by leaving them in the front room. I didn't really want to have to wrestle them out from the basement.
Speaking of the basement, did I mention it is full? Here are two shots of the basement:

In other news, I've been out and about looking for a job. I dropped off resumes at the local engineering firms and residential design build firms. As expected, I received a lot of "were not hiring but we will keep your info on file" responses. One design/build place did call me and I interviewed with them last week. We had a great discussion but the job wouldn't involve any design, it would be pricing and sales. I considered it, but in the end, I couldn't get past the hours, the pay and the fact that I wouldn't be doing any design. During the peak 8 months, the hours would be M-F 7 to 7 and Saturday 7 to 3. In the off season they go down to a
normal 40hr week. That worked out to working 60% more hours for 33% less pay.
With the limited number of companies where my LA background would be helpful, I have been looking at other job opportunites. I haven't seen too much that I seemed qualified for, so out of curiosity, I went to one of the local car dealers to fill out an application. After finishing the forms, I ended up interviewing with a couple of the managers. The following day, the HR people called looking for some more info and they asked me to take an online personality test. Friday they called and offered me a sales position. I start training tomorrow morning, we'll see how it goes...