Saturday, July 31, 2010

we're here!

It has been a crazy couple weeks, but we've had some time for some fun too. My schedule opened up enough where we could make a quick trip to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a couple days. I guess I was stressing about the move because I was wide awake one morning, so I went out and took some some rise photos.

The movers called and said they were coming two days early because they wanted to try to avoid the GA heat by working two mornings instead of one long day. It ended up working out just fine, even though we were no where near ready to go when they arrived. The moving truck that was bigger than our house:

Then we hit the road:

We are officially in Illinois. I know texting while driving is illegal, what about taking pictures? Got Corn?

We arrived safely in Bloomington on Tuesday afternoon, a big thanks to my cousin and his family for providing us with dinner and a bed in the Nashville area Monday night. Breaking the drive up into two days made it very easy to do, although I definitely think we could do it in one day if we had to. Our stuff arrived on Wednesday and the guys unloaded part of it and then finished Thursday morning. They had driven most of the night, so we were happy to let them unload in two days (as long as we had a bed to sleep in!). These movers were awesome, nothing like all the horror stories that you see online. More to come later...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Two weeks from today

Welcome to our blog. I'm hoping to keep this up to date in order to allow our friends and family to keep up with what is going on in IL. For now, I will continue my avoidance of Facebook, we'll see how long that lasts. Who knows, unemployment might drive me to join.

It is hard to believe, but in two weeks from right now, our GA house will be empty and we will be on the road to IL. This is my last week at work and we have a lot to do around the house before the movers get here. I had no idea how many cardboard boxes it would take to pack up our 3 bedroom house. Every time we pack a box, we uncover stuff to fill three more. I'm trying to sell some stuff on craigslist, but I'm not having too much luck so far. It definitely would be nice to have a little extra money in our pockets when we move.

Here we go...
