Saturday, October 1, 2011

Shepard's hook

I'm sitting on the couch watching the University of Virginia football game and the Petit Lemans race at Road Atlanta.  A bunch of my friends are at the race today, too bad I couldn't make the trip down there for the race.  It looks like a beautiful day to hang out all day watching a 9 - 10 hour long race!

The Georgia Bulldogs won their game today, so I am happy about that.  I was able to watch the second half when I came home from welding class.   Technology is amazing, you can access a lot of games online this year through ESPN3 (  I can stream these football games online to our laptop via our wifi and take it with me as I go do stuff around the house.  Now, if I just had a big screen TV that I could hook the computer up to...

In welding class today, the instructor gave us a project.  What started out as a single 10' long piece of 5/8" round steel was turned into a shepard's hook for hanging flower baskets.  We had to cut the pieces to length, heat them up until they were glowing red and then bent them to shape.  Once all the pieces were cut and shaped, we welded them together.  We used the MIG welder today, I am definitely getting more comfortable with it.  The welds aren't perfect, but it will definitely be strong enough to hold some flowers out in the yard next year.  All it needs now is some paint.  I felt like a kid coming home from camp with my new project that I made...

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