Thursday, July 19, 2012

Just Say No

Hello all, I hope this post finds you well. There wasn’t much going on in Blo-No this week, so I don’t have too much to report…. Since I spiraled down a hole of self-pity last week, I’ll try to spare you and stick to the facts this time. How about this crazy weather? It has been hotter and dryer up here than back home in Georgia. This is not the way this relocation was supposed to go. I was supposed to be able to look at the summer temps in Georgia  and laugh, being grateful for the moderate temps and nice breeze…

The high temps and lack of rain has all of the farmers concerned about their crops and, judging by my small planting of corn, I can see why. Some of my corn is less than 24” tall, but it is tasselling anyway. Who knows if we will get any ears out of this planting or not. Even the sweet corn that we’ve bought at the farmer’s market hasn’t been nearly as good as it was the previous two years. The rest of our veggies are still doing well and we’re continuing to harvest more than the two of us can consume. In fact, I just picked two zucchinis and a cucumber this morning while I was watering.

Last Saturday evening, we went to a country music concert at the Corn Crib (the baseball stadium) and had a good time. The area was hit by a big rain storm about an hour before the concert, but it blew through by the time we found a parking space and got ready to walk to our seats. The good news is that the storm cooled the temps down into the low 70’s, which was perfect for an outdoor show. Of course, that meant that the CFO was dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt… I swear that there is something wrong with her internal thermostat!

The “people watching” at the concert was particularly entertaining, as we had seats on the isle that everyone with floor tickets had to walk down. I really wish that I had the nerve to take pictures of total strangers, this blog post would be WAY more entertaining for you if I did. The movie title, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” would definitely apply to what we saw. The Good: My wife (of course) and some of the college students/young professionals. The Bad: some crazy hairy biker dudes and Larry the Cable Guy look-a-likes. The Ugly: well, just keep reading…

I’m no fashionesta, but there were a few instances where I really wanted to stand up and exclaim, “Just because you can squeeze (vacuum pack?) yourself into it, doesn’t mean that you should wear it.” It is a known fact that Americans, on average, are getting fatter. Not that I’m calling any of you fat, I’m just saying on average our society is getting a bit plump. Evidently some people just aren’t willing to accept that fact.

I am sure that, in everyone’s mind, we all know where the limits are. Unfortunately, some people decide to ignore them… I’m not quite sure how these people don’t realize that they crossed the line about 10 sizes ago, but they do.  Is what I'm saying unfair and somewhat discriminating? Yes it is. Does it promote a healthy figure? Yes it does. (by the way, I don’t understand why promoting a healthy, in shape figure has recently been so heavily demonized by the media, but thats a rant for another day)

Heck, even I know, and accept, the fact that there are limits that apply to me. For example: I don’t walk around outside without a shirt on; for fear that the glare of the sun reflecting off my pale skin might blind an oncoming driver, causing an accident. I fully understand my personal situation (redhead with pale skin), therefore I dress accordingly by wearing a shirt. I also know that I don’t have muscular, “gun show” arms; therefore I don’t wear tank tops or sleeveless shirts. Easy enough, right? Do I ever wish that I was tanner and more muscular so that I could strut around at concerts shirtless, showing off my “guns” and tattoos? Of course I do, but what guy doesn’t? (laughing) However, I accept the fact that, unless I seriously hit the gym and the spray tan booth, I shouldn't do it.   

In order to stop this issue before it becomes an epidemic, I have decided that it is time for us to bring back an old anti-drug slogan: Just Say No. If the person dressing themselves won’t think their outfit through all the way, then I believe that it is the duty of their friends/husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/parents/siblings/grandparents/children/pets to save the rest of us from having to look at their muffin top and rolls.  We really, really, REALLY don’t want to see them, so please, Just Say No.

Is it going to be an awkward conversation? Probably. Will there be tears and hurt feelings? Maybe. Just remember, this is for the greater good of the general public. Besides, deep inside these people already know that they shouldn't be wearing it, they just need confirmation.  From this point forward, anyone who sees a friend preparing to go out in something that they probably shouldn’t is responsible for stopping the atrocity before it happens. It is up to you America, Just Say No!

I must also add that this also applies to older people who still try to dress like they are teenagers. No grandma, we really don’t want to see you in those short jogging shorts and a tube top. Sorry, but we really, don’t.  Unfortunately, there comes a time in everyone's life when you just have to hang up the short shorts.

I can only hope that this catches on before we go on our cruise this fall, please, spread the word!

AHHH… so much for not going off on a random tangent, sometimes I just can’t help it.

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