Friday, April 19, 2013

A quiet week

It has been really quiet around our house over the last week, not that I'm complaining.  We went to a friend's house for dinner on Friday and got our dose of noisy kids while we were there.  Their kids are actually pretty well behaved, but kids are inherently loud.  I always like it when we walk into our house after leaving someone's noisy house...  Ahhh, quiet.  It is so nice.

We did a little exploring on Saturday morning, heading down to Funk's Grove to get some Illinois Maple Sirup.  (Yes, with an 'I' instead of a 'Y') My dad is from Vermont and he passed down his love of maple syrup and maple sugar candy down to me.  We picked up a bottle of Sirup for ourselves and one for dad.  We were all set to have waffles Sunday morning, only to realize that we didn't have any waffle mix.  Cue the game show loss music.  I guess I could have found a recipe to make them from scratch, but that thought didn't really cross my mind until I started typing this.  Oh well, we'll try again this weekend.

We also went to the gym on a Saturday for the first time since I was sick. The CFO had been limiting me to just mon-fri as part of her "ease back into it" orders. Our gym has 2 locations and Saturday is the only day we go to this location, which has a scale outside of the locker rooms. The location we typically go to doesn't have a scale outside of the locker rooms and I'm not a huge fan of gym locker rooms... Being sick didn't seem to hurt me too much, I'm down from last time I weighed in. When I stepped onto the scale, the digital display went up to 168.8 and stopped, which made me feel really good about my progress... and then it decided to add another 1.2 pounds and jumped up to 170.0. The stupid electronic scale is messing with my head! I tried to out smart it by getting on it a second time, but it said 170.0 that time too.

We're still on the, "don't change the diet, just burn more calories" approach and it seems to be working for me... 8 down and another 10 or so pounds to go.

I spent some time on Sunday out in the yard and in the garage.  My parts for the miata's coolant issue were supposed to be delivered on Saturday by USPS, but the didn't arrive until Tuesday.  That just reinforced my opinion that Saturday service isn't necessary.  Heck, other than a few car magazines and letters from the CFO's grandmother, all we get in the mail is junk and bills.  I'd be happy with Mon-Wed-Fri or Tues-Thurs-Sat service.  Unfortunately, my opinion doesn't really matter and they will continue to run the postal service into the ground instead.

I worked on the fountain and it is basically ready to go, once the weather warms up at night.  I dug the hole for the liner and we picked up some stone that the CFO thought would look good with the pot.  Now all I need to do is to run power out to a location near the hole.  The fountain is going next to our patio (currently still just a sunken gravel square that is waiting for either brick or stone) and I am going to run the power to a nearby support pole for the deck.  There is already an electrical outlet  on the side of the house by the deck, so I'm planning on splicing into it.  I've never been a huge fan of doing electrical work, but this should (hopefully) go smoothly.
The fountain being tested in the garage using a plastic bin as a test basin

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