Saturday was a near perfect July day, the high temp was only about 80 degrees and it was just cloudy enough where the sun light was filtered and wasn’t beating down on us. We had some discount coupons for a couple of nurseries, so we went plant shopping and picked up a couple accent plants. We spent the afternoon outside, me working off and on in the yard (mixed in with some lounging) while the CFO read a book while sitting out on the deck.
The new additions to the garden
Sunday was a repeat of Saturday weather wise, so I slapped a
paint brush in the CFO’s hand and said, “Get to work.”** We spent the afternoon staining the deck railing and we have now stained everything above the deck's support
structure… Now all we have left to stain are the stair
treads and then the entire underside of the deck since, unfortunately, it is
visible when you stand in the back yard.
Whose idea was it to stain the deck a color instead of using a clear
sealer?!?!?! (The CFO's for the record) Next time, we will take her
dad’s advice and pay someone to do this work.
For me, painting is on that list of things that you hate to
do; but you eventually forget that you hate doing it; until you start to do it
again a while later; which reminds you that you don’t enjoy doing it; but
you’ve already started doing it so it is too late to turn back; so you suffer
through completing the task; all the while telling yourself that you will
never, EVER do it again; only to eventually forget that you told yourself that
you would never do it again; and then, at some point down the road, the cycle
repeats... Not surprisingly, I can’t
remember what else is on that list, but I’m sure there are other things…
**I actually politely asked her to help, but that doesn’t make for
good blog reading, does it?
I do not understand the I hate painting thing.......? Really? Its fun ;)