Friday, March 22, 2013

been sick

Hello folks.  I've been sick since Saturday, so I haven't been in the mood to write this week.  I went to the doctor on Monday morning and was diagnosed with pneumonia.  Let me say that this has seriously kicked my @$$ and it put an end to my going to the gym streak.  Obviously, not much has been going on, other than me laying around watching a lot of TV and coughing, and coughing and then coughing some more.  Today (Friday) is the first day I managed to go into work.

In other news, I did want to pass along information about a children's book.  Yeah, I know that is exactly what you expect from me, right?!  The book was illustrated by one of my good college landscape architecture friends and it was written by her sister.  Anyway, I thought I would post the link here, in case any of you are interested:

Here is their blog, which has a book release trailer:

and here it is on amazon: