Monday, May 23, 2011

No ducklings...

Evidently I am not the only carnivore around here. I noticed mama duck wasn't sitting on the nest tonight, so I took a little peak. Half of the eggs are MIA and the ones that are left are broken open. I guess it is possible that they hatched, but I haven't seen any babies and I spent a lot of time in the yard over the weekend. I think I would have seen and heard any babies.

The mother robin has been watching her nest closely and she gives me a lot of verbal grief every time I venture near the nest. Not much else going on, Karen flew to VA this morning, so I am on my own for a couple weeks. Bad timing has kept me from getting my native grass seed out earlier,, but I am going to try to get It in this week. Since the farmers just planted their crops, I am hoping that I am not too late. Once this is done, I will get back to the creek bed. So much to do, so little time. I planted a bunch of various plants that we got from a friend who was thinning out his beds. I'm all about free plants... I just wish I had some money to put in some trees!

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