I've started collecting license plates, especially if I find them in souvenir stores when we are travelling. I had been kicking around ideas on how to hang them up in the garage for a while. In our GA garage, they were strung together vertically with wire, but I didn't really like how that looked. I picked up a couple cheap 2' x 4' pieces of OSB, painted them black and attached the plates. I think it turned out well... The funny thing is that we haven't hung a single picture inside the house! The garage is looking good, though.

Whenever people find out that Karen is out of town for a week or more, the typical response is, what will you eat? I keep saying that I do a lot of the cooking, but no one seems to believe me. I made my first visit to a local butcher shop this week... I think this meal turned out pretty well, it has meat, veggies (with a splash of cheese) and a roll. Mmmm, steak. What more could a guy want?

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